Taking on the IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 16.0
Oct 24, 2022
Anton and I had the incredible opportunity to dive into the IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 16.0. This exhilarating 24-hour marathon was my first-ever venture into such a challenge. We were allowed to form teams of up to 3 members, but alas, we couldn't find a third teammate to join our ranks. Out of 6,373 registered teams, we proudly secured the 649th spot, while only 3,521 teams managed to submit any code. That lands us among the top 19% of contenders! The best-performing teams were awe-inspiring, racking up over 90% of all possible points (we scored a respectable 25%).
You too can put your skills to the test by tackling sample problems from past competitions at CSAcademy. The platform grades your attempts and gives you feedback on how many test cases you would have successfully passed.